What are gifts?

When you open a gift, you can expect to receive one item randomly, typically a toy, a stroller or a vehicle. These items vary in rarity from common to legendary.

Where can I get gifts?

You can purchase gifts from the Gift Display in the town centre. You will see a board with three gift stands in front of it, and Santa will be there, too!

You can also obtain gifts from Daily Log-ins, which are received on Day 5, Day 10 and Day 25.

What are the types of gifts?

There are three different gifts, which are:

  • Small 
  • Big 
  • Massive

What are the differences in gifts?

Besides their physical size, they differ in probability rates, which in turn differ in size and price. The larger the box, the higher the chance of obtaining a legendary, but the more you spend.

Small ($70):

  • 60% Common
  • 30% Uncommon
  • 7.5% Rare
  • 2% Ultra-Rare
  • 0.5% Legendary

Big ($199):

  • 20% Common
  • 50% Uncommon
  • 20% Rare
  • 8.5% Ultra-Rare
  • 1.5% Legendary

Massive ($499):

  • 0% Common
  • 10% Uncommon
  • 55% Rare
  • 31% Ultra-Rare
  • 4% Legendary

What can I get from gifts?

As mentioned above, you can expect to get any item from a selection of toys, strollers and vehicles. The vehicle is always the legendary item, and it rotates out weekly. As for toys, there are different types you can expect to see, including:

  • Leash
  • Pogo Stick
  • Instrument
  • Balloon
  • Propeller
  • Chew Toy
  • Throwing Toy
  • Throwing Disc
  • Rattle
  • Grappling Hook
  • Plush

Where have Santa's clothes gone?

Sometimes, the weather in Adoption Island can get a little stuffy, resulting in Santa needing to take his warm fleecy jacket off! I'm only kidding. As you may have seen on your own avatar, when the clothes on your avatar disappear because the assets fail to load, this happens to our NPCs, too. 
If you see this on Santa or any of our other NPCs, please let us know by creating a Bug Report.

How often do the Gifts change?

We aim to update the gifts twice annually, as we have historically done, roughly every six months. 

Do older items remain in Gifts that were bought before an item refresh?

No, once the Gift Display has been refreshed, all items inside any remaining small, big, and massive gifts will change with it. Therefore, we would advise against stocking up on gifts to save old items in them, as once opened, the new items will appear. Make sure to open any gifts you have before a refresh, and only stock up if you're preparing to open gifts for the refresh.