With the release of the Silk Bag in the 2024 Lunar New Year Event, there is now an official method of trading bucks through the trading window. 

The Silk Bag costs 1050 bucks, which covers the cost of the bag and the 1000 bucks inside. You can open it, giving you 1000 bucks, or trade it away. You can only trade in increments of 1000 bucks per bag and can only trade up to 18 bags in one trade window. As such, the maximum you can trade is 18,000 bucks. 

This is the first time a form of trading bucks has been made available through the trading window. 

However, per our cross-trading article, any other form of bucks trading is still prohibited. If your bucks or items cannot fit inside the trading window, do not go through with the trade! Do not buy your pets or items using bucks through the cash register or food/drink stands. Otherwise, you risk your account being trade-banned.